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  Title Copies
Creating Significant Learning Experiences: An Integrated Approach to Designing College Courses 
Edition: Revised and Updated 
Year: 2013 
ISBN: 1118124251 
ISBN 13: 9781118124253 
Call No: ID F 61 
Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies: Teaching and Learning for Justice in a Changing World (Language and Literacy Series) 
Year: 2017 
ISBN: 0807758337 
ISBN 13: 9780807758335 
Call No: EAR P 32 
Whistling Vivaldi: How Stereotypes Affect Us and What We Can Do (Issues of Our Time) 
Edition: Reprint 
Year: 2011 
ISBN: 0393339726 
ISBN 13: 9780393339727 
Call No: EQ S 38 
Using Reflection and Metacognition to Improve Student Learning: Across the Disciplines, Across the Academy (New Pedagogies and Practices for Teaching in Higher Education) 
Edition: Illustrated 
Year: 2013 
ISBN: 1579228259 
ISBN 13: 9781579228255 
Call No: SSS S 289 
Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone: Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education  
Year: 2018 
ISBN 13: 9781946684608 
Call No: ID T 56 
UDL Now!: A Teacher's Guide to Applying Universal Design for Learning 
Edition: 3rd ed. 
Year: 2022 
ISBN: 1930583826 
ISBN 13: 9781930583825 
Call No: ID N 63 
Creating Self-Regulated Learners: Strategies to Strengthen Students’ Self-Awareness and Learning Skills 
Edition: 1 
Year: 2013 
ISBN: 1579228674 
ISBN 13: 9781579228675 
Call No: SSS N 119 
Learner-Centered Teaching: Five Key Changes to Practice 
Edition: 2 
Year: 2013 
ISBN: 1118119282 
ISBN 13: 9781118119280 
Call No: SSS W 121 
Strategies for Teaching Large Classes Effectively in Higher Education 
Year: 2018 
ISBN: 1516519639 
ISBN 13: 9781516519637 
Call No: SSS G 123 
147 Practical Tips for Teaching Professors 
Edition: Revised 
Year: 1989 
ISBN: 1891859013 
ISBN 13: 9781891859014 
Call No: SSS M 130